home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1998-05-24 | 85.1 KB | 2,874 lines |
- object G1MainForm: TG1MainForm
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- end
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- Left = 104
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- end
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- Left = 128
- Top = 81
- Width = 25
- Height = 25
- Hint = 'Pause'
- Enabled = False
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- end
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- Left = 152
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- Hint = 'Stop'
- Enabled = False
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- OnClick = StopBtnClick
- end
- object NextBtn: TTransparentButton
- Left = 176
- Top = 81
- Width = 25
- Height = 25
- Hint = 'Next Track'
- Enabled = False
- FrameStyle = fsRegular
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- NumGlyphs = 2
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- Transparent = False
- OnClick = NextBtnClick
- end
- object ID3InfoBtn: TTransparentButton
- Left = 200
- Top = 81
- Width = 25
- Height = 25
- Hint = 'ID3 Song Info'
- FrameStyle = fsRegular
- Glyph.Data = {
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- NumGlyphs = 2
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- Transparent = False
- OnClick = ID3InfoBtnClick
- end
- object VolumeLabel: TRxLabel
- Left = 144
- Top = 40
- Width = 20
- Height = 13
- Caption = ' Vol'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clLime
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- ShadowColor = clGreen
- Transparent = True
- OnMouseDown = FormMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = FormMouseUp
- end
- object BalanceLabel: TRxLabel
- Left = 144
- Top = 24
- Width = 20
- Height = 13
- Hint = 'Click to restore the balance to 0'
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = ' Bal'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clLime
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShadowColor = clGreen
- ShowHint = True
- Transparent = True
- OnClick = BalanceLabelClick
- OnMouseDown = FormMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = FormMouseUp
- end
- object SongAndArtist: TUhwLabel
- Left = 32
- Top = 4
- Width = 217
- Height = 11
- AlignmentX = taCenter
- AlignmentY = taTopJustify
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'No Song Loaded'
- Font = AmigaFont
- PaletteType = lpOriginal
- PaletteFrom = clBlack
- PaletteTo = clBlack
- PaletteMonoColor = clBlack
- Underline = True
- OnMouseDown = FormMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = FormMouseUp
- end
- object OldTextLabel1: TRxLabel
- Left = 204
- Top = 279
- Width = 42
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Position:'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clLime
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- ShadowColor = clGreen
- Transparent = True
- end
- object PosLabel: TLCDLabel
- Left = 32
- Top = 21
- Width = 106
- Height = 32
- Caption = ' :'
- PixelSpacing = 1
- CharSpacing = 2
- LineSpacing = 2
- BorderSpace = 5
- TextLines = 1
- NoOfChars = 6
- BackGround = clBlack
- PixelOn = clLime
- PixelOff = clPurple
- OnClick = PosLabelClick
- OnMouseDown = FormMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = FormMouseUp
- end
- object URLLabel1: TmdURLLabel
- Left = 200
- Top = 288
- Width = 93
- Height = 13
- Hint = 'www.homepage.my'
- ShowHint = True
- Transparent = True
- ParentShowHint = False
- LinkFont.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
- LinkFont.Color = clBlue
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- LinkFont.Name = 'Arial'
- LinkFont.Style = [fsBold]
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- PassiveFont.Style = []
- Caption = 'www.homepage.my'
- URL = 'www.homepage.my'
- URLAsHint = True
- ShowPrefix = False
- LabelType = Auto
- LinkType = http
- end
- object MorphAboutBtn: TTransparentButton
- Left = 224
- Top = 81
- Width = 25
- Height = 25
- Hint = 'Morph Info'
- Enabled = False
- FrameStyle = fsRegular
- Glyph.Data = {
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- NumGlyphs = 2
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- Transparent = False
- OnClick = MorphAboutBtnClick
- end
- object InternationalSongAndArtist: TRxLabel
- Left = 39
- Top = 400
- Width = 218
- Height = 13
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'No Song Loaded'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clPurple
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- ShadowColor = clFuchsia
- ShadowSize = 2
- Transparent = True
- OnMouseDown = FormMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = FormMouseUp
- end
- object MinMax1: TMinMax
- Left = 7
- Top = 272
- Width = 28
- Height = 28
- MaxSize.X = 294
- MaxSize.Y = 0
- MaxPosition.X = 0
- MaxPosition.Y = 0
- MinTrackSize.X = 297
- MinTrackSize.Y = 142
- MaxTrackSize.X = 297
- MaxTrackSize.Y = 0
- Options = [opAllowResize]
- end
- object SongPositionSlider: TSlider
- Left = 26
- Top = 53
- Width = 231
- Height = 24
- NumThumbStates = 2
- Options = [soShowFocus, soSmooth]
- Increment = 10
- MinValue = 0
- MaxValue = 100
- Value = 0
- TabOrder = 1
- OnChange = SongPositionSliderChange
- OnStopTracking = SongPositionSliderStopTracking
- end
- object LeftVolumeLevelBar: TExtProgressBar
- Left = 8
- Top = 16
- Width = 16
- Height = 78
- Min = 0
- Max = 255
- TabOrder = 2
- OnMouseDown = FormMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = FormMouseUp
- ExtendedStyles = [pbxVertical]
- end
- object RightVolumeLevelBar: TExtProgressBar
- Left = 254
- Top = 16
- Width = 16
- Height = 78
- Cursor = crSizeWE
- Min = 0
- Max = 255
- TabOrder = 3
- OnMouseDown = FormMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = FormMouseUp
- ExtendedStyles = [pbxVertical]
- end
- object BalanceTrackBar: TSlider
- Left = 165
- Top = 16
- Width = 87
- Height = 17
- NumThumbStates = 2
- Options = [soShowFocus, soSmooth]
- Increment = 1
- MinValue = -173
- MaxValue = 173
- Value = 0
- TabOrder = 4
- OnChange = BalanceTrackBarChange
- end
- object VolumeTrackBar: TSlider
- Left = 165
- Top = 35
- Width = 87
- Height = 17
- Cursor = crSizeNS
- NumThumbStates = 2
- Options = [soShowFocus, soSmooth]
- Increment = 5
- MinValue = 0
- MaxValue = 255
- Value = 1
- TabOrder = 5
- OnChange = VolumeTrackBarChange
- end
- object Vumeter1: TVumeter
- LeftPeak = 0
- RightPeak = 0
- Left = 39
- Top = 304
- end
- object AutoMorphLoaderTimer: TTimer
- Interval = 200
- OnTimer = AutoMorphLoaderTimerTimer
- Left = 39
- Top = 272
- end
- object Timer2: TTimer
- Interval = 42
- OnTimer = Timer2Timer
- Left = 7
- Top = 304
- end
- object MainInstance1: TMainInstance
- Left = 103
- Top = 272
- end
- object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
- DefaultExt = '*.mp3'
- Filter =
- 'All GMP3 Files (*.mp3, *.pls, *.m3u)|*.mp3;*.pls;*.m3u|MPEG Laye' +
- 'r 3 Audio Files (*.mp3)|*.mp3|MPEG Layer 3 Play Lists (*.pls, *.' +
- 'm3u)|*.pls;*.m3u|All Files (*.*)|*.*'
- Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofAllowMultiSelect, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist]
- Left = 71
- Top = 272
- end
- object MorphOpenDialog: TOpenDialog
- DefaultExt = '.mph'
- Filter = 'GMP3 Morph Files (*.mph)|*.mph'
- Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofNoChangeDir]
- Left = 40
- Top = 208
- end
- object ColorDialog1: TColorDialog
- Ctl3D = True
- Left = 168
- Top = 208
- end
- object MorphSaveDialog: TSaveDialog
- DefaultExt = '.mph'
- Filter = 'GMP3 Morph Files (*.mph)|*.mph'
- Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofNoChangeDir]
- Left = 168
- Top = 272
- end
- object Recentlist1: TRecentlist
- LinkedMenuItem = Crap1
- OnClick = Recentlist1Click
- Hidepath = True
- HideExt = False
- Left = 135
- Top = 304
- end
- object CrapMenu2: TPopupMenu
- Left = 71
- Top = 304
- object Crap1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Crap'
- Enabled = False
- end
- end
- object MainPopupMenu: TPopupMenu
- Left = 135
- Top = 272
- object About1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&GMP3...'
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- object N1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object OpenFile1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Open File'
- OnClick = OpenBtnClick
- end
- object PlayLists1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Play Lists'
- OnClick = PlayLists1Click
- end
- object Morphs1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Morphs'
- object LoadMorph1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Load Morph'
- OnClick = LoadMorph1Click
- end
- object EditMode2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit Mode'
- OnClick = EditMode2Click
- end
- end
- object Settings1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Settings'
- object Stayontop1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Always On Top'
- OnClick = Stayontop1Click
- end
- object LoopedCB: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Loop Song'
- OnClick = LoopedCBClick
- end
- object Iconintrayonly1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Icon In Tray Only'
- OnClick = Iconintrayonly1Click
- end
- object DontAutoloadLastMorph1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Don'#39't Autoload Last Morph'
- OnClick = DontAutoloadLastMorph1Click
- end
- object HighPriority1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&High Priority'
- Checked = True
- OnClick = HighPriority1Click
- end
- object N2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object FileAssociations1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&File Associations'
- OnClick = FileAssociations1Click
- end
- end
- object N3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object ExitGMP1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'E&xit GMP'
- OnClick = ExitGMP1Click
- end
- end
- object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
- OnPopup = PopupMenu1Popup
- Left = 103
- Top = 304
- end
- object BackTrackTrayIcon: TRxTrayIcon
- Active = False
- Hint = 'GMP3: Previous Track'
- Icon.Data = {<image000.ico>}
- OnClick = BackTrackTrayIconClick
- Left = 71
- Top = 336
- end
- object RxTrayIcon1: TRxTrayIcon
- Hint = 'GMP3'
- Icon.Data = {<image001.ico>}
- PopupMenu = MainPopupMenu
- OnClick = RxTrayIcon1Click
- OnDblClick = RxTrayIcon1DblClick
- Left = 103
- Top = 336
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- F7E4E4F3F0E8F0F1F1F5F7F1E40000E4E4F1F1E400F9F5F5F3EEE40000E4E4E4
- E40000F9F5E400F9FBF3F3E8E4F3F1E4E400E8E4E400FDF7F3F1E800E4E4E4E4
- 00E4E4E8E4E40000000000000000000009050808080509000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000090508080806010000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000905080808080209000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0009020808080805090000000000000000000000000000000000000000010608
- 0808060100000000000000000000000000000000000000000902080808080209
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000010608080806010000000000
- 0000000000000000000000090000000902080808080309000000000000000000
- 0000000000090109000000090308080808030900000000000000000000000901
- 0202090000000009030808080803010900000000000000090102050209000000
- 0000000902060808080602010909090909010205050209000000000000000009
- 0102050608080605050505050505020109000000000000000000000009090102
- 0505050505050502010900000000000000000000000000000000090909090909
- 0909090000000000000000090909090909090909090909090909090909090000
- 00000000042000000720000009000D0000000300FF2020707269766174651C00
- 0E0000000300FF202020207B2050726976617465206465636C61726174696F6E
- 73207D7308000F0000000300FF20207075626C6940540041C4825803B41F0000
- 2020207B205075626C6963206465636C61726174696F6E73207D060011000000
- 0300FF2020656E643B500000120000000300FF000300130000000300FF766172
- 1000140000000300FF2020466F726D313A2054466F726D313B6C000015000000
- 0300FF000E00160000000300FF696D706C656D656E746174696F6E3100001700
- 00000300FF000A00180000000300FF7B2452202A2E44464D7D74000019000000
- 0300FF0004001A0000000300FF656E642E2A00001B0000000500FF2000001B00
- 00000500FF200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 50BD570350BD5703AC0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 00000000000000000000000000000000F41F0001F41F0001BC01000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- 0000000000}
- Left = 7
- Top = 240
- end
- object NoTask1: TNoTask
- HideForm = False
- Left = 136
- Top = 240
- end
- object MorphInfo: TStrHolder
- Sorted = True
- Left = 168
- Top = 240
- end
- object EditModePopup: TPopupMenu
- OnPopup = EditModePopupPopup
- Left = 72
- Top = 208
- object PropertiesEditor1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Properties Editor'
- OnClick = PropertiesEditor1Click
- end
- object Mask1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Mask && Form'
- object Unmask1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Unmask'
- OnClick = Unmask1Click
- end
- object Remask1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Remask'
- OnClick = Remask1Click
- end
- object N6: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object ToggleTitleBar1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Title Bar'
- OnClick = ToggleTitleBar1Click
- end
- object WindowStyle1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Window Style'
- object NormalBorder1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Normal'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = NormalBorder1Click
- end
- object ToolbarBorder1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Toolbar'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = ToolbarBorder1Click
- end
- end
- object N7: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object LoadPicture1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Load &Background'
- OnClick = LoadPicture1Click
- end
- object LoadMask1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Load &Mask'
- OnClick = LoadMask1Click
- end
- object N4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object ClearBackground1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Cl&ear Background'
- Enabled = False
- OnClick = ClearBackground1Click
- end
- object ClearMask1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Cle&ar Mask'
- Enabled = False
- OnClick = ClearMask1Click
- end
- end
- object Colours1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Colour Tools'
- object ColourGrabber1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Grabber'
- OnClick = ColourGrabber1Click
- end
- object ColourCodeFinder1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Palette'
- Hint = 'Use this to find the RGB Values for Color properties'
- OnClick = ColourCodeFinder1Click
- end
- end
- object OrginalGraphics1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Restore Graphic For'
- object OpenFileButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&1 Open File Button'
- OnClick = OpenFileButton1Click
- end
- object PlayListButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&2 Play List Button'
- OnClick = PlayListButton1Click
- end
- object PlayButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&3 Play Button'
- OnClick = PlayButton1Click
- end
- object LastTrackButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&4 Last Track Button'
- OnClick = LastTrackButton1Click
- end
- object PauseButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&5 Pause Button'
- OnClick = PauseButton1Click
- end
- object StopButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&6 Stop Button'
- OnClick = StopButton1Click
- end
- object NextTrackButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&7 Next Track Button'
- OnClick = NextTrackButton1Click
- end
- object ID3TagButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&8 ID3 Tag Button'
- OnClick = ID3TagButton1Click
- end
- object MorphInfoButton1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&9 Morph Info Button'
- OnClick = MorphInfoButton1Click
- end
- end
- object EditMorphCredits1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit Morph Credits'
- OnClick = EditMorphCredits1Click
- end
- object N8: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object SaveLayout1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Save Morph'
- OnClick = SaveLayout1Click
- end
- object N5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object EditMode1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'E&xit Edit Mode'
- OnClick = EditMode1Click
- end
- end
- object FormStorage1: TFormStorage
- IniFileName = 'GMP3.ini'
- IniSection = 'Main'
- Options = []
- StoredProps.Strings = (
- 'HighPriority1.Checked'
- 'LoopedCB.Checked'
- 'Stayontop1.Checked'
- 'Iconintrayonly1.Checked'
- 'MorphInfo.Strings'
- 'MorphToLoadNextStart.Strings'
- 'DontAutoloadLastMorph1.Checked')
- Left = 39
- Top = 240
- end
- object Inspector1: TInspector
- IconSize = 20
- OnFilterProperty = Inspector1FilterProperty
- Left = 136
- Top = 208
- end
- object MPlayer: TMPEGPlayer
- Seekable = True
- FromStream = True
- PlayerPriority = Highest
- UseTimer = True
- TimerFreq = 400
- AutoPlay = True
- OutputDevice = wavemapper
- WaveDeviceNum = 0
- StartPos = 0
- EndPos = 0
- OnPosUpdate = MPlayerPosUpdate
- OnPlayEnd = MPlayerPlayEnd
- Left = 103
- Top = 240
- end
- object MorphToLoadNextStart: TStrHolder
- Sorted = True
- Left = 200
- Top = 208
- end
- object FormDsg1: TFormDsg
- AutoSave = False
- FileName = 'GradientForm1'
- PopUpMenu = EditModePopup
- OnDeleteObject = FormDsg1DeleteObject
- OnSelectObject = FormDsg1SelectObject
- Left = 200
- Top = 240
- end
- object MaskForm: TGCoolForm
- ShowTitleBar = True
- Mask.Data = {07544269746D617000000000}
- Masked = False
- PPicture.Data = {07544269746D617000000000}
- Left = 104
- Top = 208
- end
- object MorphLoader: TAutoPropertiesStore
- Active = False
- Items = <
- item
- Component = BalanceLabel
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowPos'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowAccelChar'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = BalanceTrackBar
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'EdgeSize'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'ImageHRuler'
- 'ImageHThumb'
- 'ImageVRuler'
- 'ImageVThumb'
- 'Left'
- 'NumThumbStates'
- 'Options'
- 'Orientation'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'EdgeSize'
- 'Height'
- 'HelpContext'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Options'
- 'Orientation'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width')
- end
- item
- Component = LeftVolumeLevelBar
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'ExtendedStyles'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Step'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'ExtendedStyles'
- 'Height'
- 'HelpContext'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width')
- end
- item
- Component = LeftVolumeLevelLabel
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowPos'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowAccelChar'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = LeftVolumeLevelNumber
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowPos'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowAccelChar'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = OldTextLabel1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowPos'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowAccelChar'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = RightVolumeLevelBar
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'ExtendedStyles'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Step'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'ExtendedStyles'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width')
- end
- item
- Component = RightVolumeLevelLabel
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Cursor'
- 'ShadowPos'
- 'ShowAccelChar')
- end
- item
- Component = RightVolumeLevelNumber
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Font'
- 'Layout'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowPos'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowAccelChar'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'Transparent'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = SongAndArtist
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'AlignmentX'
- 'AlignmentY'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'PaletteFrom'
- 'PaletteMonoColor'
- 'PaletteTo'
- 'PaletteType'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'UhwPal'
- 'Underline'
- 'UnderlineColor'
- 'UnderlineY'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Align'
- 'AlignmentX'
- 'AlignmentY'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Underline'
- 'UnderlineColor'
- 'UnderlineY'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = SongPositionSlider
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'EdgeSize'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'ImageHRuler'
- 'ImageHThumb'
- 'ImageVRuler'
- 'ImageVThumb'
- 'Left'
- 'NumThumbStates'
- 'Options'
- 'Orientation'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'EdgeSize'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Options'
- 'Orientation'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width')
- end
- item
- Component = VolumeLabel
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Layout'
- 'Left'
- 'ShadowColor'
- 'ShadowPos'
- 'ShadowSize'
- 'ShowAccelChar'
- 'ShowFocus'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = VolumeTrackBar
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'EdgeSize'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'ImageHRuler'
- 'ImageHThumb'
- 'ImageVRuler'
- 'ImageVThumb'
- 'Left'
- 'NumThumbStates'
- 'Options'
- 'Orientation'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'Align'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Height'
- 'HelpContext'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Options'
- 'Orientation'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'TabOrder'
- 'TabStop'
- 'Top'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width')
- end
- item
- Component = CrapMenu2
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Alignment')
- end
- item
- Component = EditModePopup
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Alignment')
- end
- item
- Component = MainPopupMenu
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Alignment')
- end
- item
- Component = PopupMenu1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Alignment')
- end
- item
- Component = ID3InfoBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Font'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Cursor')
- end
- item
- Component = NextBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Glyph'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Cursor')
- end
- item
- Component = OpenBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Down')
- end
- item
- Component = PauseBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Glyph'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'Cursor')
- end
- item
- Component = PlayBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Glyph'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Down'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign')
- end
- item
- Component = PlayListBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Glyph'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Transparent'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = PrevBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Glyph'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = StopBtn
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Glyph'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
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- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap'
- 'AutoGray'
- 'BorderWidth'
- 'Caption'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Down'
- 'Font'
- 'FrameStyle'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'Left'
- 'Movable'
- 'NumGlyphs'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPressed'
- 'Spacing'
- 'TextAlign'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end
- item
- Component = Owner
- IsForm = True
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- 'AutoScroll'
- 'BorderStyle'
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- 'Color'
- 'Font'
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- 'GradientStopColor'
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- 'Left'
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- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'BorderStyle'
- 'CaptionTextColor'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Ctl3D'
- 'Font'
- 'FormStyle'
- 'GradientColors'
- 'GradientStartColor'
- 'GradientStopColor'
- 'Height'
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- 'HelpFile'
- 'Hint'
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- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'PaintGradient')
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- Component = PosLabel
- IsForm = False
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- 'BorderStyle'
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- 'NoOfChars'
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- 'PixelOn'
- 'PixelShape'
- 'PixelSize'
- 'PixelSpacing'
- 'TextLines'
- 'Top'
- 'Width')
- end
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- Component = AmigaFont
- IsForm = False
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- 'CharSpace'
- 'SpaceLength'
- 'UhwStrukt'
- 'CharSpace'
- 'SpaceLength')
- end
- item
- Component = ColorDialog1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Color'
- 'CustomColors')
- end
- item
- Component = MinMax1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Height'
- 'Width'
- 'Top'
- 'Left')
- end
- item
- Component = OpenFile1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Hint'
- 'Visible')
- end
- item
- Component = AppEvents1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'HintColor'
- 'HintPause')
- end
- item
- Component = MaskForm
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Mask'
- 'Masked'
- 'PPicture'
- 'ShowTitleBar'
- 'ShowTitleBar'
- 'Masked')
- end
- item
- Component = PlayLists1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Visible')
- end
- item
- Component = FormDsg1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'XGrid'
- 'YGrid')
- end
- item
- Component = MorphToLoadNextStart
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Strings')
- end
- item
- Component = MorphInfo
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Strings')
- end
- item
- Component = URLLabel1
- IsForm = False
- StoredProp.Strings = (
- 'Align'
- 'Alignment'
- 'AutoSize'
- 'Caption'
- 'Color'
- 'Cursor'
- 'Enabled'
- 'Height'
- 'Hint'
- 'LabelType'
- 'Left'
- 'LinkFont'
- 'LinkType'
- 'PassiveFont'
- 'ShowHint'
- 'ShowPrefix'
- 'Top'
- 'Transparent'
- 'URL'
- 'URLAsHint'
- 'Visible'
- 'Width'
- 'WordWrap')
- end>
- Left = 8
- Top = 208
- end
- object MorphData: TFormStorage
- Active = False
- Options = []
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- 'BalanceLabel.Align'
- 'BalanceLabel.Alignment'
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- 'BalanceLabel.Color'
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- 'BalanceLabel.Font'
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- 'BalanceLabel.Layout'
- 'BalanceLabel.Left'
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- 'BalanceLabel.ShowAccelChar'
- 'BalanceLabel.ShowFocus'
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- 'BalanceLabel.Visible'
- 'BalanceLabel.Width'
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- 'BalanceTrackBar.EdgeSize'
- 'BalanceTrackBar.Height'
- 'BalanceTrackBar.HelpContext'
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- 'BalanceTrackBar.Left'
- 'BalanceTrackBar.Options'
- 'BalanceTrackBar.Orientation'
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- 'BalanceTrackBar.TabStop'
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- 'BalanceTrackBar.Visible'
- 'BalanceTrackBar.Width'
- 'ID3InfoBtn.AutoGray'
- 'ID3InfoBtn.BorderWidth'
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- 'ID3InfoBtn.Font'
- 'ID3InfoBtn.FrameStyle'
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- 'ID3InfoBtn.NumGlyphs'
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- 'LeftVolumeLevelBar.Align'
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- 'LeftVolumeLevelBar.ExtendedStyles'
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- 'LeftVolumeLevelBar.HelpContext'
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- 'LeftVolumeLevelBar.Visible'
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- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Align'
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- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Height'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Hint'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Layout'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Left'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.ShadowColor'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.ShadowPos'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.ShadowSize'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.ShowAccelChar'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.ShowFocus'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.ShowHint'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Transparent'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Visible'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Top'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.Width'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelLabel.WordWrap'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Align'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Alignment'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.AutoSize'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Caption'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Color'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Cursor'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Font'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Height'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Hint'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Layout'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Left'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.ShadowColor'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.ShadowPos'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.ShadowSize'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.ShowAccelChar'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.ShowFocus'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.ShowHint'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Top'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Transparent'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Visible'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.Width'
- 'LeftVolumeLevelNumber.WordWrap'
- 'MaskForm.Masked'
- 'MaskForm.ShowTitleBar'
- 'MorphInfo.Strings'
- 'NextBtn.AutoGray'
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- 'NextBtn.Top'
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- 'NextBtn.WordWrap'
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- 'OldTextLabel1.Caption'
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- 'PauseBtn.NumGlyphs'
- 'PauseBtn.ShowHint'
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- 'PauseBtn.Top'
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- 'PlayBtn.Font'
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- 'PlayListBtn.TextAlign'
- 'PlayListBtn.Top'
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- 'PosLabel.BackGround'
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- 'PosLabel.PixelSize'
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- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Color'
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- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.ExtendedStyles'
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- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.HelpContext'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Hint'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Left'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Max'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Min'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.ShowHint'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.TabOrder'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.TabStop'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Top'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Visible'
- 'RightVolumeLevelBar.Width'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Align'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Alignment'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.AutoSize'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Caption'
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- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Cursor'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Font'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Height'
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- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Layout'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Left'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.ShadowColor'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.ShadowPos'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.ShadowSize'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.ShowAccelChar'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.ShowFocus'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.ShowHint'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Top'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Transparent'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Visible'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.Width'
- 'RightVolumeLevelLabel.WordWrap'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Align'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Alignment'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.AutoSize'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Caption'
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- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Font'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Height'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Hint'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Layout'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Left'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.ShadowColor'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.ShadowPos'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.ShadowSize'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.ShowAccelChar'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.ShowFocus'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.ShowHint'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Top'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Transparent'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Visible'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.Width'
- 'RightVolumeLevelNumber.WordWrap'
- 'SongAndArtist.Align'
- 'SongAndArtist.AlignmentX'
- 'SongAndArtist.AlignmentY'
- 'SongAndArtist.AutoSize'
- 'SongAndArtist.Caption'
- 'SongAndArtist.Color'
- 'SongAndArtist.Cursor'
- 'SongAndArtist.Font'
- 'SongAndArtist.Height'
- 'SongAndArtist.Hint'
- 'SongAndArtist.Left'
- 'SongAndArtist.PaletteFrom'
- 'SongAndArtist.PaletteMonoColor'
- 'SongAndArtist.PaletteTo'
- 'SongAndArtist.PaletteType'
- 'SongAndArtist.ShowHint'
- 'SongAndArtist.Top'
- 'SongAndArtist.Transparent'
- 'SongAndArtist.Underline'
- 'SongAndArtist.UnderlineColor'
- 'SongAndArtist.UnderlineY'
- 'SongAndArtist.Visible'
- 'SongAndArtist.Width'
- 'SongAndArtist.WordWrap'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Align'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Color'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Cursor'
- 'SongPositionSlider.EdgeSize'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Height'
- 'SongPositionSlider.HelpContext'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Hint'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Left'
- 'SongPositionSlider.NumThumbStates'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Options'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Orientation'
- 'SongPositionSlider.ShowHint'
- 'SongPositionSlider.TabOrder'
- 'SongPositionSlider.TabStop'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Value'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Visible'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Width'
- 'SongPositionSlider.Top'
- 'StopBtn.AutoGray'
- 'StopBtn.BorderWidth'
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- 'StopBtn.Cursor'
- 'StopBtn.Down'
- 'StopBtn.Font'
- 'StopBtn.FrameStyle'
- 'StopBtn.Height'
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- 'StopBtn.Left'
- 'StopBtn.Movable'
- 'StopBtn.NumGlyphs'
- 'StopBtn.ShowHint'
- 'StopBtn.ShowPressed'
- 'StopBtn.Spacing'
- 'StopBtn.TextAlign'
- 'StopBtn.Top'
- 'StopBtn.Transparent'
- 'StopBtn.Visible'
- 'StopBtn.Width'
- 'StopBtn.WordWrap'
- 'URLLabel1.Align'
- 'URLLabel1.Alignment'
- 'URLLabel1.AutoSize'
- 'URLLabel1.Caption'
- 'URLLabel1.Color'
- 'URLLabel1.Cursor'
- 'URLLabel1.Height'
- 'URLLabel1.Hint'
- 'URLLabel1.LabelType'
- 'URLLabel1.Left'
- 'URLLabel1.LinkFont'
- 'URLLabel1.LinkType'
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- 'URLLabel1.Top'
- 'URLLabel1.Transparent'
- 'URLLabel1.URL'
- 'URLLabel1.URLAsHint'
- 'URLLabel1.Visible'
- 'URLLabel1.Width'
- 'URLLabel1.WordWrap'
- 'VolumeLabel.Align'
- 'VolumeLabel.Alignment'
- 'VolumeLabel.AutoSize'
- 'VolumeLabel.Caption'
- 'VolumeLabel.Color'
- 'VolumeLabel.Cursor'
- 'VolumeLabel.Font'
- 'VolumeLabel.Height'
- 'VolumeLabel.Hint'
- 'VolumeLabel.Layout'
- 'VolumeLabel.Left'
- 'VolumeLabel.ShadowColor'
- 'VolumeLabel.ShadowPos'
- 'VolumeLabel.ShadowSize'
- 'VolumeLabel.ShowAccelChar'
- 'VolumeLabel.ShowFocus'
- 'VolumeLabel.ShowHint'
- 'VolumeLabel.Top'
- 'VolumeLabel.Transparent'
- 'VolumeLabel.Visible'
- 'VolumeLabel.Width'
- 'VolumeLabel.WordWrap'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Align'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Color'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Cursor'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.EdgeSize'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Height'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.HelpContext'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Hint'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Left'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.NumThumbStates'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Options'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Orientation'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.ShowHint'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.TabOrder'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.TabStop'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Top'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Visible'
- 'VolumeTrackBar.Width'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.AutoGray'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.BorderWidth'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Caption'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Cursor'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Down'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Font'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.FrameStyle'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Height'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Hint'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Left'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Movable'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.NumGlyphs'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.ParentFont'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.ShowHint'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.ShowPressed'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Spacing'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.TextAlign'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Top'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Transparent'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Visible'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.Width'
- 'MorphAboutBtn.WordWrap'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Align'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Alignment'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.AutoSize'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Caption'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Color'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Cursor'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Font'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Height'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Hint'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Layout'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Left'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.ShadowColor'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.ShadowPos'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.ShadowSize'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.ShowAccelChar'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.ShowFocus'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.ShowHint'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Top'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Transparent'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Visible'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.Width'
- 'InternationalSongAndArtist.WordWrap')
- Left = 8
- Top = 208
- end
- end